Committee News

Recipe Corner: Chef Dan’s Two Bean Chili

  • November 2024
  • Gateway's Chef Dan


5 pounds ground beef
1 tablespoon canola
3 each red bell peppers, medium diced
2 each green bell peppers, medium
1⁄4 cup granulated garlic
2 cups dark red kidney beans, drained
2 cups cooked black beans
3 cups tomato paste
1 each No. 10 can diced tomatoes
1 cup chili powder
1⁄4 cup onion powder
1⁄4 cup cumin, ground
1 teaspoon black pepper, ground
1⁄4 cup minced garlic
1.5 quarts beef stock

Add oil in a large pot on medium-high heat and begin to sauté bell peppers, onions, and garlic until translucent with a little color. Add 2 quarts water and ground beef. Continue to sauté until meat is browned and cooked through. Add all dried spices. Stir to combine. Add beef stock. Stir to combine. Add tomato paste. Stir to combine. Add all remaining ingredients (beans and tomatoes). Continue to cook bringing chili to a slow simmer. Reduce heat to low and continue to cook for 2 hours.